Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rollercoaster Ride

What a crazy past few weeks we've had in this Rutledge household. Matt and I both had a feeling that Luke was going to come early-maybe the end of April or right around Easter. We NEVER would have thought that he would come in March, that is for sure! Little did we know, that he had his own plans. The week and a half spent in the hospital was a looong week of ups and downs, yes's and no's and plenty of unanswered questions. Luke knew when he was ready to come and made his entrance on March 15th and I went home on March 16th.
Now we are home; with a very active two year old who goes to school three days a week, a husband with a full time job and a baby in the NICU. That certainly makes for a pretty busy schedule around here! Maybe one of these days the house will get clean, laundry done, and I'll start cooking again. For now, those things are on the back burner and get done randomly when they can.
It's been two weeks since Luke was born and things haven't slowed down too much. Emma is on spring break this week, which means no morning naps for Mom! Hopefully I can get a few more naps in next week-but I'll probably be at the hospital when she's at school. When Emma comes to Luke, anyone else can forget about holding him because she doesn't share her baby-not with anyone!

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