Friday, January 27, 2012

Scary Times-but we're all alright!

We've had quite the week around here! Matt headed out to Wisconsin last Monday for work and Emma headed to a sleepover at Grandma's with Elle. Luke and I got to spend a little time alone together and he even got to sleep in the big bed with his Mama! We picked up Emma Tuesday afternoon and came home for naps. Luke went down from around 3-until almost 8. I made him his bottle and was preparing to climb in bed with both kiddos for a movie and popcorn. Those plans changed after I opened Luke's door and got him out of bed. He had big red spots on his face and my first thought was that he slept funny. I noticed his bright red ears next and thought double ear infection. After a closer look, I found red spots all over him and his lips were purple-and thought chicken pox! I wasted no time calling the doctor and they called back about the time I finished feeding him. She told me I needed to take him to the emergency room. I immediately sprang into action-I called Matt to let him know what was happening. Then, I called my grandmother to have someone come watch Emma, and I then called my parents to see if they could meet me at the hospital. I packed a bag, changed Luke's clothes, let the dog out, set the TV up for Emma and changed my own clothes in about five minutes. I did my best not to seem to frazzled and let Emma know anything was wrong and helped her get excited about aunt Jen coming over. After three long hours in the ER we learned that he probably had a severe viral reaction and a few doses of steroids should clear him right up. Matt was able to make it back early the next morning and we went to his doctor to see what she thought. She agreed that it was probably just a viral reaction and the steroids would help. If they came back after a week, it would most likely be an allergic reaction to something. Then we would have to start the look journey of finding out what he's allergic too. .Thankfully, those nasty bumps never came back.

 Despite all the bumps, all the nurses and doctors said how handsome he was!

1 comment:

  1. poor baby, he still is very handsome, glad you're feeling better Luke!
