Monday, January 9, 2012

Emma Talk's and Lukie Laugh's

Remember how I said that Emma was getting a little sassy? Well, it is coming out even more! She is almost three going on 13, I swear! She is getting more and more feisty everyday and trying her best to see just how far her limits are. She has never had a discipline problem or really spent much time in time-out. She usually does what she's asked without a lot of fuss. But now, she is quick to get that little "Uhhhhh Moooom!!" and it freaks me out! Ha-maybe she'll get it all out before she's thirteen (hey, a Mom can dream, right??)

She is obsessed with the iPhone and wanted me to do something for her on it and apparently I wasn't quick enough and I told her to relax for a minute and she told me "Just calm down. Take a deep breath and calm down"

If she wants something that we aren't sure she can have, she'll say "Please, don't let me down!!"

I told her she was getting chicken nuggets from McDonald's and she starts licking her lips and said "Mmmm, that'll be sweet!"

Call whipped cream white frosting

She was being a little too sassy and told her she needed to drop the smart talk or it's time out time. She went and sat on the steps and I asked her what she was doing and she said she was sitting there because I had an attitude.

Oh, and did I mention she still loves sleeping in her shoes and will ONLY wear dresses everyday

Luke says "Hey Dada" all the time-where's the love for Mommy??

I went to get Luke out of his crib the other morning and I opened the door and hear "heeey" and see this for the first time!

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