Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shoes, Songs and Summertime!

SHOES-Anyone that has spent any time with Emma, knows her obsession with shoes-especially ones that are too big. She LOVES wearing her many different shoes. So much, in fact, that more often than not she sleeps in a pair. And that means stinky feet for this little girl. Don't even think that you can leave your shoes laying around and her not bring them to you to wear. And forget about going outside without shoes on-she will have none of that! Her favorite pair happens to be 3 sizes too big, VERY pink, and she asks for them everyday. We have been able to hide them for little periods of time, until she sees them in a picture or she starts asking every five minutes for them. I found another pair of shoes in the attic that are only one size too big and they have a red trim with different colored little hearts all over them. These are keeping her mind off the pink ones-for a little while at least!
Matt has always said that his boy will never be dressed up like a girl by Emma or anyone else. I dont think he will have to worry about Emma trying to put Luke in her dresses, but I know he will have to watch out for what's on Luke's feet. Last night Emma put her very girly, very big, gold rhinestone shoes on Luke and thought it was so funny.
Hopefully we end up with the same size shoe one day, because I have a feeling I may be stealing some of her shoes!
SONGS-Sometimes our house seems like I'm living in a musical. Matt has always made up silly songs about what he's doing (dishes, cooking, getting dressed, etc) and even more and louder now that Emma is getting older and paying more attention to what he's doing. The songs are always about nothing and just makes you laugh. Well, Emma has picked up on that trait now. She loves singing songs she learns at school-her favorites are Twinkle Twinkle, Wheels on the Bus and Rock a Bye Baby. We were playing with Play Do on Monday and it was time to clean up and she started singing "Clean up, clean up..." Guess we will be having a lot more music around the house!
SUMMERTIME- Summer is by far my favorite time of year! I love the clothes, the shoes, the sun, the pool and of course being tan. :o) Last year, Emma and I spent a lot of time at our pool. She liked to sit on the steps and go back and forth from the toy closet. She probably spent more time walking around the pool, than actually in the pool. This year, I think she will enjoy it even more. I know it's going to be hard to take Luke and Emma to the pool (plus thats a LOT of stuff!!)So, I've decided that we are going to bring the Country Club to us! We'll have a baby pool set up for Emma to splash around in and shade and a fan in the garage for little man to keep cool. Of course there will be music, snacks and chairs for Mama to work on her tan! I have a feeling we may be spending more time at the Rutledge Country Club than at Pinebrook this summer

Monday, April 25, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things

We knew a long time ago that Emma loved to be the center of attention-now she strives for it even more with another little person around taking away some of that attention. When she's not trying to be so funny is usually when she really is. I need to start writing down all the funny little one liners she says, because when I try and remember them later, I usually cant! Here are a few I can remember:

Me: Ok Emma, it's time to take a nap
Emma: Awww man!!

Getting our plates ready for Easter lunch-Me: "We can eat our lunch outside today"  Emma: "Oh yes, that will be fine!"

Emma: "Ohh Mommy, you look pretty!" She has said this one a few times to me when I've gotten dressed up more than a t-shirt and jeans and have make-up on/hair fixed and it always melts my heart

Nana: "Emma do you want to stay here with Nana?" Emma: "No, I want to go to the beach" Getting ready to leave Nana's house after talking about Uncle Justin and Aunt Courtney moving to the beach

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Emma has never ridden a horse before (unless you count the huge hobby horse Oscar or the dog Bella) For Elle's fourth birthday we went to Tanglewood for a picnic and pony rides. She has ridden the carousel at the mall and loves it! So much, in fact, that she cries to ride it every time we go to the mall-meaning I better always have $2 if I take her to the mall with me.
We got up Sunday morning and started talking up the horse rides-not really sure how she would handle getting on a real pony. When we asked her if she wanted to ride a horse, she immediately got very excited and started saying "Ride horsey, up and down, its a white one" Uh oh! This little girl thinks we are riding a pretend horse that goes round and round and up and down! We tried explaining to her it was a REAL horse-fat chance she'd understand that.
Matt stayed home from the party with Luke, because we didn't want to expose him to all the people and all the "stuff" in stables and with horses. So Emma and I headed off to the party and on the way, we had to stop by Target and the grocery store and Emma proceeded to tell anyone who would listen "Ride horsey, go up and down, white horsey"
When we got to Tanglewood, we had about 45 minutes until it was time to ride the pony. Well, Emma could hardly stand it. There were horses all around us (we were at the stables) and she was able to pet a few of them. When it was finally time to go for a ride; I was a little uneasy still that she would have a melt down-but I thought it might be ok because it was just a little pony. And ponies are little and cute, right?
Little pony?? HA! This was a huge horse they were supposed to get on! Great!! But that did not phase her one bit-let's just say Emma loves real horses as much as fake horses!! She was SO excited to see the horse AND it was white! She had a blast!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What are you doing...

Emma's new favorite phrase these days-about 500 times-is "Mommy, What are you doing, Mom?" or "Daddy, What are you doing, Dad?" She sometimes asks me ten times in one car ride. Where that came from I don't know, but she sure likes to know what Mommy and Daddy are doing at all times!