Monday, April 25, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things

We knew a long time ago that Emma loved to be the center of attention-now she strives for it even more with another little person around taking away some of that attention. When she's not trying to be so funny is usually when she really is. I need to start writing down all the funny little one liners she says, because when I try and remember them later, I usually cant! Here are a few I can remember:

Me: Ok Emma, it's time to take a nap
Emma: Awww man!!

Getting our plates ready for Easter lunch-Me: "We can eat our lunch outside today"  Emma: "Oh yes, that will be fine!"

Emma: "Ohh Mommy, you look pretty!" She has said this one a few times to me when I've gotten dressed up more than a t-shirt and jeans and have make-up on/hair fixed and it always melts my heart

Nana: "Emma do you want to stay here with Nana?" Emma: "No, I want to go to the beach" Getting ready to leave Nana's house after talking about Uncle Justin and Aunt Courtney moving to the beach