Friday, May 20, 2011


Emma had her first program at school on Wednesday and I sent the two days leading up to the program talking about singing at school and having lots of fun. We didn't have to be at school until 10:45 and she woke up around 8:30 and we had pancakes and syrup for breakfast. Then it was time for a bath! And she sang the whole time she was in there and we talked more about going to school and sing. The car ride there she sang "Twinkle Twinkle" over and over again-this girl was exercising her vocal cords and ready to sing! I dropped her off and headed to find a seat and was anxiously waiting to see how things would turn out. Of course I was in a rush to get everyone and everything out the door and forgot the camera! Her class was up first and they brought them in last and of course Mimi had to carry her in, while everyone else walked on their own. They made their way to the stage and Emma was planted next to Cindy. The first song was Baa Baa Blacksheep and Emma started off standing and clapping and smiling. Then she discovered a hangnail! That became her obsession-she plopped down on Cindy's lap and all her focus shifted to her little hangnail. Cindy tried many times to stand her up and get her to sing but it wasn't happening. She did tune in when the parents clapped and she would start clapping and get excited. She told Cindy "Oh they're clapping for me!!" At least she didn't start crying for Mommy and stayed on stage for three songs. Hopefully next year I'll remember the camera and I'll check her nails for hangnails before sending her on stage!

Monday, May 16, 2011


This weekend was the annual Greek Fest-good food, music, Greek dancing, and lots of people! Friday Matt was volunteering at the drink tent; so when Emma got up from her nap, I packed up and loaded both babies in the car and off we went! There was a big playground that Emma was so excited to play on and we stayed there for about 45 minutes until I bribed her away with ice cream. Beside the ice cream, a little girl was selling candy bracelets, necklaces and capri suns. That was all Emma needed to see-out went the plan for ice cream, bring on the candy! We were waiting on Matt to have a break to get some yummy food-especially the Greek donuts! Too bad the rain had other plans-the sky was getting black and our car wasn't exactly close. I decided it would be best to trek back to the car and as I was getting to the car the bottom fell out. We all got soaked and settled for some chicken nuggets for dinner and Matt brought us some donuts when he got home.
We decided on round two around 5 Saturday and I made sure to get some chicken Slovakia as soon as we got there so I wouldn't miss out again! We played on the playground a little more and Emma got more bracelets as the rain started again. This time we were under the tent with the music and dancing. After Emma finished a bracelet she wanted to dance and boy did she dance! She was spinning around and jumping all over the stage for a good 45 minutes and she was having the time of her life. Luke enjoyed the music too and they both slept very well that night!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Crawfish Broil and Mother's Day

Saturday was a beautiful day and we spent it outside at a Crawfish Broil eating way too much good food! This is an annual event put on by Matt's coworkers and we went two years ago when Emma was a newborn and had a great time-despite the LIVE crawfish crawling around! Matt and I were both curious as to how Emma would react to them and anxious to find out. Let's just say Emma is not as squirmish as her Mom-she wasn't phased by them at all. Even when Matt put one right in her face. There were a bunch of kids running around all over the place and Emma had a great time watching them and trying to keep up with whatever they were doing. Everyone was worn out after a long day, and we all went to bed early.
Sunday morning I was able to sleep in for a little while before church and I was awoken to a nice cup of coffee, two dressed and ready children, two sweet cards and some pretty pink flowers. After church we headed to Grandmommy's house for a Christmas Dinner in May. Yes, we had all the fixings-turkey, mashed potatoes, even stuffing and of course Dewey's cake squares. It was a nice relaxing end to the weekend and of course I forgot my camera! It really is amazing how much more stuff you need to get out the door with two kids these days!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

It's Starting to Smell Like Summer!

What great weather we had this weekend! Saturday, Emma got her new kiddie pool and we set it up for her after she got up from her nap. She was a little uneasy about it at first. But soon enough she was having a blast! She kept calling it her bathtub and didn't want to put her bathing suit on-so her first dip was a naked one! She didn't get to play in it until about 4; so it was getting cooler and her little lips were turning purple, but she did not want to get out. When we did finally get her out, we headed to the Dairio for some yummy hot dogs and fries. Emma ate her entire hot dog (very rare) and part of Matt's. We couldn't go to the Dairio without getting some ice cream, so we got a large chocolate dipped cone and Emma attacked it! I've never seen her eat anything the way she went after that cone. It was too funny!! We ended up having to get another cone and some crazy colored vanilla ice cream.
Sunday was a bit of a lazy day and Nonnie, Poppie, Christine and Elle came over for a cookout. Emma was very happy to see her cousin and neither one of them ended up eating any dinner because they were too busy playing. We FINALLY managed to get a family photo too!