Monday, May 2, 2011

It's Starting to Smell Like Summer!

What great weather we had this weekend! Saturday, Emma got her new kiddie pool and we set it up for her after she got up from her nap. She was a little uneasy about it at first. But soon enough she was having a blast! She kept calling it her bathtub and didn't want to put her bathing suit on-so her first dip was a naked one! She didn't get to play in it until about 4; so it was getting cooler and her little lips were turning purple, but she did not want to get out. When we did finally get her out, we headed to the Dairio for some yummy hot dogs and fries. Emma ate her entire hot dog (very rare) and part of Matt's. We couldn't go to the Dairio without getting some ice cream, so we got a large chocolate dipped cone and Emma attacked it! I've never seen her eat anything the way she went after that cone. It was too funny!! We ended up having to get another cone and some crazy colored vanilla ice cream.
Sunday was a bit of a lazy day and Nonnie, Poppie, Christine and Elle came over for a cookout. Emma was very happy to see her cousin and neither one of them ended up eating any dinner because they were too busy playing. We FINALLY managed to get a family photo too!

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