Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Time!

I've said it at least 10 times and I'll say it one more time-this holiday season has FLOWN by! I can't believe how fast it was Thanksgiving and getting our tree, to already over and time for birthdays (Matt, Emma and Luke!) We started out the holiday season planning on cutting back a little and I swear there were twice as many presents under the tree than last year.
Christmas Eve was spent getting ready for our annual dinner with Roger, Katelyn, Blair, Mom, Rob, Elle and Christine. Matt decided that we should have filets for dinner and he got the biggest ones I've ever seen! Christine and Elle came over that morning to let the girls decorate some gingerbread cookies. I wish I had gotten a few pictures because it was hilarious! Emma was having fun with the sprinkles and ate arms and heads off quite a few of the cookies before they were decorated. Matt had to run out for some last minute shopping while I got the house in order. Everyone came over around 6 and we had a few apps and then the main course of our amazing steaks. Emma was getting so excited for Santa (Matt said he saw him flying in the sky) but was so sleepy. She couldn't make it to the end of Christmas Vacation, so we put her to bed and got to work. Santa spoiled that little girl rotten and toys just kept coming out! Matt and I were both exhausted and went to sleep anxious for her reactions in the morning.
Christmas Day started with coffee and cinnamon rolls-then we peeked into Emma's room and she was passed out. Doodle-her Elf-left her a pink Barbie tree in her room and when she spotted it, she popped right up. She finally realized that Santa came and was anxious to see what she got. The first thing she saw was her princess tent, sleeping bag and flashlight-she ran over to them and wanted to climb in and zip it up. She played for a few minutes before we were able to co-horse her out and showed her everything Santa brought her. It was game on after that-there was present after present after present! Matt and I both kept saying how we didn't remember getting all these for her but she was loving opening them all. There were two things she had talked about for over a month-a car for her Barbie's and a set of 6 fairy dolls from the Tinkerbell movie. Every time we went to Target she would see them and talk about Santa bringing them for her. Of course, we saved those until the end and she squealed and squealed when she opened them and was so excited to play with them. Mom and Dad got a little spoiled too and we couldn't forget getting some things for Luke's first Christmas, although we knew he would've been just as happy with the wrapping paper.
Before we knew it, we were out the door headed to Nana's for lunch. There was more than enough food and then it was present time again! Emma was having a great time with Marley tearing into more stuff and didn't even care what the present was-she just liked opening things. She helped us open a few things too. Then it was time to head out to Grandma's house and everyone had already opened their presents by the time we got there. Although, the amount that was still under the tree just for us was a TON! Our finally stop was to Grandmommy's and at this point, Emma had opened so many presents she was starting to become less than impressed with doing anything other than just playing. She did play Candy Land for a few minutes with us.
Emma and Luke both fell asleep on the way home and when we arrived home to unload everything, they had both gotten a second wind and started playing with their many new toys. I don't think Emma still realizes everything she got for Christmas yet.
 Christmas Eve Dinner

 Trying to get a few family pics

 Emma checking out her new princess flashlight and tent

 She loves her new Dora ballerina dress

 MORE presents!

 Marley and Emma opening presents

 Luke checking out his new toy

 Emma's new dollhouse furniture from Taylor

 Luke's new ride!

 Emma taking it for a test drive

 The pink tree from Doodle

 Emma worn out on Christmas

Look at all that loot and the sad part is-it's not even all of it!

 Luke loves his new exersaucer!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

She Did It!

Emma has a long distance love for Santa-meaning she loves him until she seems him up close in person. Santa has been at the mall since the beginning of November and we've asked her every time we go if she wants to sit on his lap. Her immediate response is "NO!" and we stop at that. Last year we weren't able to get a picture with her and Santa because she would never get close enough to him and we didn't want to push the issue. Santa came to school and she was so excited that he was there and started jumping up and down and saying "Santa! Santa!". When they went to see him, she froze and wanted no part of it. She did get brave enough to take a coloring book and candy cane from him, though. A week later, there was a pancake dinner with Santa at her school. We didn't have too many high hopes that she would sit with him, but I grabbed the camera just in case! Santa arrived and everyone was excited to see him-Emma wasn't even phased, she didn't want to go near him. We tried getting a picture with her sitting next to him, but she just wanted to get away. After all the kids spent time talking with him, Matt had an idea. He asked Emma if she would get a candy cane from Santa for him. She walked over and asked him for one and they started talking. This was our chance!! Matt said "Emma, why don't you get on Santa's lap and tell him what you want for Christmas." She climbed right up and started telling him what she wanted. Hopefully she won't forget that she likes him next year!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Spirit

Anyone that knows Matt or I should know how much we love Christmas-sometimes borderline obsession. What's not to love about this time of year?? The trees, the lights, the decorations, Santa, trying to find those perfect gifts, Christmas music and movies, the food(!!), I mean I could go on and on. There's just something about the feelings that surround you this time of year that makes me long for it all year and when it's finally here, wishing it would never go away. This Christmas season has been a little harder for Matt to get into because of the warmer weather, but when those nights are chilly, he feels it a little more! We both knew how much more Emma would love this Christmas and how exciting Christmas morning will be-although I'm pretty sure Matt and I are going to be more excited seeing her reactions than she is. Of course, she hasn't found a toy she hasn't added to her list on a daily basis. We are doing our best to make sure she gets what she REALLY wants, but we somehow managed to go above and beyond our budget for her. No real surprise there though!
Emma is still pretty uneasy with Santa up close. She loves seeing him on TV and every time you talk about him, she gets super excited. It's the whole idea of sitting on his lap that makes her unhappy. She will just love him from afar another Christmas, I guess!  
Christmas Eve, we will continue our tradition of having Roger and Katelyn over for dinner. This year, Mom, Rob, Christine and Elle will be coming as well. There will be lots of food and I'm sure a few pleas to open "Just ONE" present under the tree! Christmas Day will consist of Santa and cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Then, we will have to pry Emma out the door to head to three different grandparents houses.
Growing up, Christmas morning in our house always meant running and waking Mom and Dad to see what Santa brought us (we opened our other presents the night before after dinner) We always managed to have way to much candy for breakfast and then we headed off to Grandmommy's to load up on more goodies before having lunch and more presents at Grandma's house. Matt would have cinnamon rolls for breakfast and see what Santa brought at his house before he headed to King to spend the day with his family. Since we both have family in town, we want to make the trek to everyone's house so we can spend a little time with them all-even if we head home completely worn out!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Princess for a Day!

This weekend, one of Matt's fraternity brothers got married. They asked Emma to be their flower girl and she (as well as us!) were so excited and honored that they wanted her apart of their special day. We spent a lot of time talking this day up and were a little worried about what actually may happen. We arrived for the rehearsal on Friday and she had just fallen asleep before we arrived. Needless to say, she was not in the best mood. The rehearsal was some what of a disaster. I couldn't leave her side and she kept wanting to go sit with Matt in the pews. We knew we had a lot of work in store! Matt and Katie (bride and groom) were both so sweet to Emma and told us, multiple times, that they were just so happy she was here she didn't have to do anything she didn't want. But we were determined! Some how, some way, we were getting her down that aisle. At the rehearsal dinner, she made friends with the four year old ring bearer and they had fun at dinner. Katie gave Emma a Cinderella Barbie and a LOT of dum-dums to bribe her a little more. She was so excited with the suckers and doll and quickly started liking Katie!
Emma is infatuated with Princesses and all things girlie. So I came up with the idea to start calling Katie a Princess and telling her she had to walk down the aisle so that Katie could walk to her Prince Charming. Emma quickly corrected me with that one, saying "Daddy is Prince Charming!!" Sorry!!
Emma was going to be wearing a beautiful white dress and looked like a mini-bride herself. We knew she would love the dress and looking like Princess Katie even more. Before we got to the church, we stopped at Target and Matt ran in for reinforcements. He found the perfect Tinker Bell Barbie, goldfish, fruit snacks and some M&M's-all her favorites! Emma did get a nap this time, unfortunately she woke up just as we were  arriving and a little ill. It took a long time for her to settle down and I was convinced that I was going to have to run out of the Ladies Parlor with her kicking and screaming behind me. Matt was able to come up with one more idea-he promised her that if she walked down the aisle, she could play on the playground. Bingo!
I did finally manage to sneak out (I learned afterwards that she was completely fine after I left-go figure!!) I found Matt at a front pew armed with the goodies and we were ready. There was nothing to do at this point but pray she followed through. I can't tell you how nervous and anxious Matt and I were, waiting for her to appear. But then, there she was! And we both got a little emotional, but she was great!! She held hands with one of the maids-of-honor and walked with her flower ball (no petals allowed) and saw us and got really excited but continued walking to the front. She was sandwiched between Katie and the MOH. We couldn't always see her, but we saw her dress twirling from time to time. And I did manage to see her ask Abby when she could go to the playground :o)
After it was all over, we ran and found her and clapped and cheered and squeezed her telling her how proud we were. She was so happy to get Tinker Bell and couldn't wait to get to that playground!
For the rest of the night she would ask where the Princess was and wanting to go see Princess Katie. People would constantly come up to us and tell us how great she did and how impressed they were with her. They had NO idea the stress we felt and the relief when it was over!!