Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Spirit

Anyone that knows Matt or I should know how much we love Christmas-sometimes borderline obsession. What's not to love about this time of year?? The trees, the lights, the decorations, Santa, trying to find those perfect gifts, Christmas music and movies, the food(!!), I mean I could go on and on. There's just something about the feelings that surround you this time of year that makes me long for it all year and when it's finally here, wishing it would never go away. This Christmas season has been a little harder for Matt to get into because of the warmer weather, but when those nights are chilly, he feels it a little more! We both knew how much more Emma would love this Christmas and how exciting Christmas morning will be-although I'm pretty sure Matt and I are going to be more excited seeing her reactions than she is. Of course, she hasn't found a toy she hasn't added to her list on a daily basis. We are doing our best to make sure she gets what she REALLY wants, but we somehow managed to go above and beyond our budget for her. No real surprise there though!
Emma is still pretty uneasy with Santa up close. She loves seeing him on TV and every time you talk about him, she gets super excited. It's the whole idea of sitting on his lap that makes her unhappy. She will just love him from afar another Christmas, I guess!  
Christmas Eve, we will continue our tradition of having Roger and Katelyn over for dinner. This year, Mom, Rob, Christine and Elle will be coming as well. There will be lots of food and I'm sure a few pleas to open "Just ONE" present under the tree! Christmas Day will consist of Santa and cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Then, we will have to pry Emma out the door to head to three different grandparents houses.
Growing up, Christmas morning in our house always meant running and waking Mom and Dad to see what Santa brought us (we opened our other presents the night before after dinner) We always managed to have way to much candy for breakfast and then we headed off to Grandmommy's to load up on more goodies before having lunch and more presents at Grandma's house. Matt would have cinnamon rolls for breakfast and see what Santa brought at his house before he headed to King to spend the day with his family. Since we both have family in town, we want to make the trek to everyone's house so we can spend a little time with them all-even if we head home completely worn out!

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