Saturday, November 19, 2011


Emma is growing up too fast and I wish there was a way to slow it down! But, since there is not, I have to try my best to catch all the cute things she says/does to document for her (and me) to look back on one day and laugh. I know they call them the terrible two's, but what about the trying, tiring three's?? Within the last few weeks my sweet, always listening, even-tempered child has turned into a maniac. Now, I know I shouldn't complain because it's really not THAT bad, but it is testing my patience for sure! She is trying to figure out her boundaries and seeing what she can and can't get away with. And that imagination, it is running wild and it is hilarious to listen to her play. She sings, calls "Grandad Dog", runs and hides, screams (Tylenol please!), and asks the same thing over and over and over. Today we had our first experience with Daddy saying no to something (which I heard) and she runs and asks me instead. There she is with those boundaries! That was just my little tangent-here are the Emma stories we all love!

We were getting ready for the day and Luke was dressed in Emma's room on the floor. I made his bottle, but had to let Bella out to eat first. When I came back, I found Emma in her room feeding Luke his bottle! She said "He was crying, 'cuz he was hungry so I got him his bottle. Mommy, can you hold it so I can get a burp cloth?" I almost cried!

I started decorating for Christmas while Emma was napping and when she got up and saw everything, she inhaled a deep breath and said "It's wonderful!!"

Luke and Emma were laying on our bed and Luke was hungry and fussing. Emma wanted to help him feel better, so she started singing a song. He didn't stop crying and she said" What's wrong? You don't like that song, I'll sing another one!" And she started singing a different song for him

Matt and Emma went to go pick up dinner and Emma told him "Fast Daddy! Christmas music!"

She calls our bed the "big-a-bed"

Every time she sees Santa on tv, she gets SO excited and starts hollering "SANTA!!! IT'S SANTA!!"

Any toy she sees now that she likes, she says she wants it for Christmas. I think we have most of the toys at Target and Toys R Us on her wish list now

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