Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick or Treat!!

Halloween is the perfect holiday in this house! Emma has inherited her mother's super sweet tooth and loves all candy! She had a little taste of it at her school carnival and then at a fall fest at Rob's work. Our house has been stocked with candy for a week or so prior to Halloween. We live in a neighborhood with no kids and zero trick or treaters, so we knew we wouldn't be staying home. Although Emma is almost three, this was going to be her first "official" Halloween. She was about 9 months her first Halloween and we were just going to take her around with Elle, but it was rainy and cold so we axed that plan and stayed at Dad's and helped hand out candy. Last year, we were out of town for a long weekend and she literally slept through all of Halloween. This year we knew would be different!  It wasn't supposed to rain and we were always asking what to say to get the candy! Since Mom's house is so close to Dad's, we decided to trick or treat in their neighborhoods. Katelyn met at our house and Papa came by to see the costumes. Then we headed out to meet Christine and Elle at Mom and Rob's. I knew it was going to be cold and Luke was going to be in the wagon, so I loaded it up with tons of blankets and we were ready to roll! Emma was sleepy and took a little bit for her to get going, but once someone gave her a sucker her night turned around! The girls had a great time running from one house to the next and Emma came home with a LOT of candy!!

 Papa "hiding" behind Batman

 Emma after getting woken up from her cat nap.

 Loaded up and ready to go!

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