Thursday, March 1, 2012

Who doesnt love free??

As some of you know, I have recently started sewing and monogramming. And I gotta say-I LOVE IT!!! It is so much fun coming up with cute little shirts and putting together outfits from a simple piece of fabric. Some of you also may know that it was sort of my husband's fault that I stumbled into all of this. First and foremost, I am a true southern girl. I love, love, love monograms. I would monogram my whole house if I could! My friends laugh at all the R's throughout our house-I think its some sort of addiction.
But anyways-after I had our little sass pot Emma, I knew a whole new world of monogramming had entered my life. I loved personalizing blankets, burp cloths, and any shirts or dresses I could find. I didn't, however, love paying $8-$10 every time I need her name or initials on something. So, I did what any woman would do. I begged and begged my husband for an embroidery machine. I showed him all the cute little shops on Etsy and told him I could even start my own shop and bring in a little extra mula (which, let's be real, just furthers my addiction!) He finally agreed it would be a good Christmas present. Well, that was that. I had 4 looooong months to day dream about my embroidery machine.
Anyone that knows my husband knows his OBSESSION for the Redskins. For Christmas, last year, I found a cute Redskins shirt for Emma. I quickly snatched it up and Emma got it from Santa. Shortly before the first game of the season, I thought about how cute it would be for Emma to have a matching skirt since she refuses to wear pants. Luke already had two Redskins outfits, I had a shirt, and of course Matt had tons of gear. I hadn't tried to sew since I "made" a few aprons 3 years back. I use the term made loosely, because I basically picked out the fabric and struggled to cut the pattern pieces out while my mom did the rest. I found a super easy skirt on-line that I figured I could master. I found some Redskins fabric at the fabric store, got some advice at the fabric store, borrowed my friend Kari's machine and supplies and I was off! Or, so I thought! Turns out, I should not have listened to that advice because I ended up making a toddler sized hoochie skirt! Emma was squeezed into it and literally couldn't walk in it! Luckily, I had enough fabric to try again a few days later with my mom's help. Had I not listened to the lady at the fabric store, my first attempt would've been more of a success.
After making that skirt, I started thinking about all of the great things I could make for Emma and Luke and what fun it would be to have them in things that I put together! Thus, my love for sewing was born! I'm still learning a lot, but I'm having a great time along the way!
Now onto the free stuff! I would really love to have this "hobby" of mine grow into something more. That's where you come in! What's the easiest (and cheapest!) form of advertising? Word of mouth!! I have a shop on Etsy My Shop and a page on Facebook Mamas Tiny Monkeys Right now, I'm offering a chance to win a free monogrammed shirt of your choice (can be for you, your child, niece/nephew, friend, neighbor, etc....) After I reach 70, I will pick a winner at random. All you have to do is go to my Facebook page and "Like" it. That's it! Super easy, right?? And if you already "Like" it, simply "Like" the contest post and you are entered in the drawing! Hopefully you'll look around a bit and maybe find something you'll love for your child (or niece/nephew, friend, well you get the idea!)

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