Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's Bowl Time!

Every year, Matt's company has a bowling event for Big Bothers/Big Sisters. We thought it would be fun to bring Emma along and she insisted on having Elle over for a sleepover, so we knew this could get interesting!! All morning long, Emma was pestering me to go pick up Elle and go bowling. I don't think she really understood what bowling was, but she was dying to go! We finally picked up Elle and we were on our way. When we got there, the girls had their own lane and we put the bumpers up. They were both more excited about the shoes than anything. Unfortunately, Emma's foot was too small to fit in them so they looked like clown shoes. Emma went first-of course I missed the shot with my camera! After she finished, she ran over to the seats to put her own shoes on. Elle went next and had a blast flinging the ball down the lane. Emma's turn was up again and before she would bowl, she had to put the other shoes (and socks!) back on. The girls only lasted about three times and then they just ran around screaming and chasing each other. They had a pretty good time despite the lack of bowling!

Like the matching skirts?? :o)

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