Thursday, February 23, 2012

Let it Snow!

This has been a mild and warm winter with no complaints from this gal! Matt, however, loves cold weather and snow-and when I say love, I mean gets just as excited as a school kid who spends the entire day outside playing in it. Friday night, he started hollering about snow coming on Sunday. I just smiled and nodded. Sunday morning, all that was talked about was when it was going to start snowing. It FINALLY started around 3, and by 5 Matt had woken Emma up to show her the snow. The flakes were still small and there was a light dusting on the ground. Matt asked her if she liked the snow and she said "It's not snowing, it's raining, Daddy!!" There was a little "argument" about it and Emma wasn't convinced it was snowing. Matt had to run out for a minute and while he was gone, the flakes started getting bigger and sticking more (total about 3 inches!!). After Emma started seeing all of that, she was finally convinced that it was snowing. She started getting just as excited as Matt and begging to go outside. I had to dig around in the attic for almost 20 minutes to round up snow gear. But, I managed to find it all and get the babies bundled up for the snow. Emma was all over the place and wanted to make snowmen and snowballs. Luke was itching to get down and play in it all, but I couldn't find his snow pants so he just had to watch and taste a little. Matt and Emma stayed outside until Emma's hair was soaked and her face was bright red.
Because it was so warm Saturday, that when we woke up Monday morning most of the snow was melted off the roads. There was still a good amount in our front yard, so Emma was able to play a little more. We dragged out the wagon and took a little stroll in the neighborhood before Matt headed to work.
Emma was destined to be a snow baby from the start-she was born on a snow day and has seen snow every year since.

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