Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tinker Bell Party

After all the excitement that Emma's actual birthday brought  her, we knew she would be in for a treat at her party. She woke up ready to rock and roll on Saturday. It was very yucky-wet and cold-outside, but we weren't going to let that spoil the party mood! Since I did a lot of prep work Friday, I didn't have to run around like a crazy person all morning. Although, Matt did get stuck at Party City for 45 minutes! Everyone started arriving around 2 and Emma was SO excited to see everyone! When she saw the presents piling in, she begged and begged to open them. But once she saw the cake-that was all she cared about! We were able to distract her for a little while and she was having a great time with Elle, Marley and a new favorite friends, Cassidy, in her room. Cake time brought everyone running and screaming out of Emma's room and presents kept them out a little longer. Christine gave Emma four pairs of princess shoes-enough for every girl to have a pair- and Emma hasn't taken them off since! She also got a Cinderella dress she insisted on putting on right away. I've never seen so many princess bags and toys than what are now in our house! Papa gave Emma the movie Big and had a special surprise he left in his car-the piano! Emma was so excited when I opened it and put the batteries in-I could hardly snap her picture she was running so fast. And Uncle Taylor made her the cutest rocking chair that I am going to paint pink with a brown E and make a cute cushion for her to sit on. All in all, I'd say we all had a pretty good time!

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