Saturday, June 9, 2012

Summer is Here!

Ok, so technically its not summer time, but around here it is! Emma's last day of school was right before Memorial Day, but before that was her program at school. We have been practicing and practicing for weeks her song. She would only tell us one song, although I knew there were more! Almost everyday she would sing it for us. When the day was here, we were anxious to see how she would do. Last year, she was distracted by a hangnail and tuned out for most of the program. This year, all her nails were checked and we were ready! As I thought, she was supposed to sing three songs. The first two she acted a little bored and didn't get too into them. But when that third song came on, she was ready. She sang as loud as she could and made all the hand movements and had a great time. Elle did a great job with her songs as well.
Fast forward a  few weeks and it's the end of May. Matt was down in Pinehurst for a few days and Emma asked for a slumber party with her mommy. Luke spent the night at Grandmommy's and Emma and I enjoyed a fun dinner at TJ's Deli. While we were eating, a little ballerina came in and Emma was amazed. She watched everything she was doing and asked me a million questions. She was talking all about how she was going to be a beautiful ballerina and all the twirls she would do. The dance studio she is going to this fall is right around the corner, so we drove by after dinner and she was even more excited. After dinner, we came home and put our jammies on. I popped some popcorn, got out the chocolate and climbed into bed to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks 2. Emma loved it so much that it ended and she wanted to watch it again-she fell asleep during the second showing.
Emma got to go to her first baseball game too! She was looking forward to popcorn and cotton candy. It was a perfect day for a game and we had seats out of the sun, so we were nice and cool. After about ten minutes, she was ready to go but we told her it wasn't over yet. She enjoyed going back inside to get lots of food-purple chocolate, donuts, hotdogs-you name it, they had it! The team they were playing had on green uniforms and Emma was paying a little bit of attention and started asking who we wanted to win. We told her the white one was our team, so she started cheering for the white team! Although they lost, we all had a great time and Emma didn't want to leave when it was over.
She and Elle have gotten to play together a lot so far, and are enjoying Emma's new Dora pirate ship and the pools and water table in the backyard. We have also made a few trips to the Elks Club and she loves playing in the Kids Room and looking at the ducks.
Today we were at Kari's parents house for Brandtson's first birthday party. I snuck out early to get a massage and we are planning on taking Emma and Elle to see Madagascar 3, or Alex, as Emma calls it.

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