Monday, May 14, 2012

We're Goin to the Beach!

I feel like it's been a long time since I've blogged and I have a feeling it's going to get harder and harder to stay on top of this-but I'm not giving up yet!! Justin and Courtney were here for Luke's birthday in March and we talked about coming to see them in May for Jansen's 3rd birthday. Emma was BEYOND excited to go to the beach (I really don't think she had a full grasp on what the beach really was, though). We talked to Jansen at least once a week through facetime and Emma was growing more and more impatient to go see her and the beach. The day FINALLY arrived and I thought she was going to burst through her skin with excitement. Luckily, we got her a few new movies to watch in the car and the three-ish hours went off without a hitch, for the most part. When we pulled into the drive-way, Emma immediately starts asking where the beach was. Soon enough little lady, soon enough! It only took about 3 minutes, and Emma and Jansen were off running around all over the place. Saturday was Jansen's princess party and Emma woke up again asking to go to the beach and insisted on putting her bathing suit on. Everyone had a great time at the party-it was nice and warm, perfect for playing in the water! After the party was over and the house somewhat cleaned, we were headed to the beach!!
Emma squealed with delight when she saw the ocean and was so excited to get out and see it all. She doesn't like to sit inside her sand box, so we were curious to see how she reacted to the larger than life sand box. She did great! It took her a minute to realize she had to stand on it, but soon she was running around looking for seashells and making sand castles. Luke was a little squeamish when we plopped in down in the sand, but he quickly got over it. I really didn't think Emma would be too keen on the water, but she shocked me! She fell in love with the water and didn't want to get out, even when her teeth were chattering and lips were blue. Luke thought it was the funniest thing he had ever seen and squealed every time a wave came. Needless to say, the kids loved the beach and had a blast!
J and C live in a great, kid friendly neighborhood. After the kids ate dinner, a few older girls came over and played with Emma and Jansen outside for over an hour and we enjoyed a little quite inside :)
Sunday was Mother's Day, so Blair, Courtney and I headed to the beach for a little "gal time" and despite the chilly wind, enjoyed the beach before it got too crowded. Before we knew it, it was time to pack up to start the trek home. We (hopefully!!) got a few great pictures of the cousins before heading out to grab some lunch. Everyone had a great time and we can't wait to go back!!

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