Monday, April 23, 2012

Birthday Birthday Birthday Party!

April is quite the birthday month in our family. There's at least five within a week of each other. This year, Elle turned five on a Thursday-not that significant, expect that Emma is in school that day as well. And it just so happened to be Muffins with Mom that morning. So, not only was it Elle's birthday, but Christine and I were able to go have breakfast with them. And, she had a cookie cake for snack, AND we were going to Chuckie Cheese! Talk about an All-Start fifth birthday! Christine had to get her wisdom teeth out after breakfast, so she couldn't make Chuckie Cheese. So, Grandmommy, Jen, Luke and the girls headed over after school. The girls-and Jen-had a BLAST! They were from one ride to the next and Emma loved riding this big horse ride. I think she rode it 6 times. We did manage to get them to stop long enough to scarf down two slices of pizza and some fruit juice before they were gone again. Two hours later, we were able to bribe them outside by promising a slice of cookie cake and Luke was loving it! He couldn't get enough of it and had a green face to prove it.
Friday afternoon, Emma headed over to Christine's for a slumber party!! She was looking forward to sleeping in Elle's bunk beds and making Princess and the Frog cupcakes. Saturday was Cindy's surprise birthday party and Matt was feeling up for the party, so we all headed out to their house. Cindy was VERY surprised to see everyone at her house waiting to celebrate with her. Emma was loving playing with Marley and they ran around the whole night. There were disposable cameras people were to use to take pictures and they held two of them all night. Marley did manage to take a few pictures, but Emma had the camera backwards and if she had taken a photo, she would've blinded herself with a flash.
I swear Luke has a wooden leg. We arrived at their house around 5 and he had 6 ounces of milk, a little bit later he had an entire hot dog and cupcake, another 5 ounces of milk and before we left (around 9:30) he had 5 more ounces of milk. And that was only while we were at the party! He sees food and just needs to eat it-ha.
Sunday was Elle's birthday party and we went to see Arietteye at Market Place theater. After the movie, we had "dinner" reservations at 4 at a Japanese restaurant. We had some time to kill, so we went to the dollar store and the girls were going crazy picking out all kinds of random things they wanted. Christine and I finally realized we had to get out of there, fast! Dad, Lisa, Brooke and Sandy were able to come eat with us and we all had a good time. The fire was a big hit and they did a great job at making Elle feel special on her birthday. Once again, Luke scarfed down 10 ounces, a plate full of noodles, rice and bananas. He even managed to attack a cupcake when we weren't looking. Emma is not much of a fan of rice or Japanese food, so she had a ridiculously blue smurf drink and then a pb&j when we got home.

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