Monday, April 2, 2012

Growin' Babies

I remember growing up and hearing "old people" always saying how big my siblings and I were getting and how fast we were growing up. Little did they know, but I was NOT growing up fast, in fact, life was just creeping by. And I most certainly did not like being told how "big" I was when I was 14. Now, it seems it is more like little did I know. Time passes so fast, sometimes I can't believe just how fast it can go. I also remember when I was 10, 12, heck even 20, and thinking 29 is SO OLD!!! Being 29, and dreaming about 29, is two totally different worlds entirely. Twenty nine is not, in fact, old anymore. Instead, 29 is almost like the cusp of my adulthood. Although, I am married with two kids, I still feel like we are just now establishing ourselves as adults. Matt has a great job, which has made me fortunate enough to be home with our children. We have a house, own two cars, life insurance, a will and a bunch of other "adult" things. Despite all that being said, having children allows you to relive all the great things we miss from our childhood. We can pass down the toys and games we loved to the next generation. We get to spend hours on the baseball fields again and have dance parties in our living rooms. I know that it's not possible; but I wish, somehow, we could help our kids enjoy and cherish every minute of their childhoods instead of wishing to be a little bit bigger.

All that being said, our little princess is....POTTY TRAINED!!! And let me tell you what, I do not miss buying all those extra diapers! It all started the day after Luke's birthday (Friday the 16th). She went to bed the night before in a diaper that was way too big and scratchy. She woke up that morning and needed a diaper change, we were out of diapers (hence the big and scratchy one) and she had to put one of the "yucky" diapers on. She literally burst into tears as I was putting it on her. I reassured her we would be getting Elmo ones really soon. I got a bottle ready for Luke and we were in the bonus room when, all of a sudden, Emma yells out she needs to go potty! She hasn't said that since...well, it's been a long time. So of course I jumped out of the chair, scooped up Emma and we raced down the stairs. I was more than half expecting nothing to happen, but all of a sudden-pee pee! I (we) was so excited and gave Emma a huge hug and started squealing how great she did. Immediately, she said "Now I get to wear big girl panties!!" Ummmm, that wasn't quite how it was going to work, but I didn't have the heart to tell her. She ended up wearing them to the grocery store, the mall, Dewey's and home without any accidents. Wheeew! I wasn't getting my hopes up though, and it's a good thing I didn't. She pooped in them a little later and was MORTIFIED!! She did NOT want to put panties or pull-ups on. She insisted on a diaper. I tried reassuring her it was ok and she could put on a diaper if she needed to poop. It's been a little over two weeks and she is doing great! I almost forget to ask her about needing to go anymore-she will poop and pee in the potty. She just won't wear panties. I think she is going to be more willing to once its summer and she doesn't wear a swim diaper at the pool. I am not complaining at all though! And we still treat the pull-ups like panties and she rarely goes in them.
Luke had his one year check up on his birthday and he is doing great. He weighs 18 pounds and is 29 inches long. Emma was only 15 pounds and 29 inches when she was a year old! We are done with formula (!!!!) and now dealing with getting him off the bottle and using the sippy cup-he HATES them! He likes his bottle and gets aggravated with those cups! Eventually he'll get it, we hope :o)

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