Saturday, April 14, 2012

Happy Easter!

We seem to get super excited when it's our child's first holidays-Christmas, Halloween, Birthday. I'm finding out, though, that while the first ones are fun because they are new, the real fun starts when they get old enough to somewhat understand and they get excited about holidays. We started talking up the Easter Bunny and Egg Hunts with Emma a few weeks before Easter. She had fun having egg hunts around our house and was SUPER excited about going to an egg hunt with Elle. We had been planning on taking them to the Lillie's Friends egg hunt for awhile and Elle came over Friday night for a sleepover. When we got up Saturday morning, it was cold and rainy!! So we took our time getting ready and out the door. We got to the ballpark around 10:15 and the sun decided to come on out! The egg hunt was more like an egg dash and you had about 30 seconds to stuff your bag with eggs. Emma was DYING to get in there and grab the eggs, but had to wait a little bit. When they said go, she kinda freaked out and didn't want to do it. I had to start shoveling eggs in her bag and she just stood and watched. Elle was up next and she didn't want to go either! I started shoveling eggs in hers too, and then Emma realized it was pretty fun and started scooping up some eggs. There was a place to get face paint and Emma usually shys away from stuff on her face, but she hopped right up in the chair and asked for a fairy princess. They had a great time playing in the bounce houses and Emma said later she wanted to go back to the fair-ha!
We were at brunch the next day and out of nowhere, Emma says she didn't believe in the Easter Bunny. Of course we started (silently) freaking out about that and tried to distract her from that thought.Even after about 20 minutes of hopeful convincing she was still saying there is no such thing as the Easter Bunny. She did say that Santa Claus brought the eggs-so at least we still had that! We have an Elf on the Shelf and we got an email from Santa saying there was an Easter Egg going on with all the elves and I think that's what helped convince her the Easter Bunny was, in fact, real.
Easter morning, we got up and Emma was excited to see that the Easter Bunny had come and there were eggs all over the house. She started running around grabbing all the eggs and shaking them to find out if there were candies in them. After checking out all her loot, we got ready and headed up to King for church and lunch. After we finished stuffing our faces, we were headed to Grandmommy's for round two! We got there just as everyone was eating; and we were all a little too full for food, but I managed to scarf down three Dewey's cake squares! We headed home around 8 and we all slept great that night!

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