Thursday, June 30, 2011

iPhone Junkie

Everyday, I am more and more understanding of all the things the "old people" said to me when I was younger. Especially the phrase "They had nothing like that in my day" I was given  a cell phone when I was turned 16 to keep in my car for emergencies. No bells and whistles-just a huge gray flip phone with an even bigger battery. There was no caller ID, voicemail or even a way to store your contacts-you actually had to know your friends and family's phone numbers! None of my friends had a cell phone and I was supposed to have it on when I was in the car and more often than not it stayed turned off. Most of my friends had pagers and had a quarter for the pay phone if needed. Even when I went to college I just used my dorm phone and most people either didn't have one or had one they rarely used. Sadly though, over time the cell phone became a huge part of my (and most of America's for that matter) daily life. Now you can watch movies, download and listen to music, check the highlights of a game and plenty more than just turn it on and make a phone call. What's even sadder, is that our 2 year old daughter can pick up my phone and knowingly make a phone call to her Daddy (speaker phone on) She can also access all her pictures and her favorite videos I've taken of her and Luke. I know for a fact that my own father can't maneuver around an iPhone the way his granddaughter can. I can't even begin to imagine what will be out there when Emma turns 16.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Funny Man

Luke has discovered how to smile and laugh this week. Emma saw one of the first times and said "Look Mommy, he's laughin at me!" The only pictures we have so far are from my sometimes less than stellar phone camera because the digital camera takes to long.

Friday, June 24, 2011

A few more funny phrases...

I think I've said this before but I really need to carry around a pen and paper in my hands. Emma is always saying something funny and everytime I think I'll remember it later, I don't! A few I remember

Me: Emma do you want some bread?
Emma: No thank you, I'm good

Whenever I do something she likes when we are playing she says "Good girl Mommy"

Yesterday she was in her car and telling me she would be back next Thursday and made a hand motion identical to one I use all the time (and not it's not the finger-ha!)

When Luke is crying and she can reach him, she rubs his head and says "It's ok baby Luke, it's ok" in a soft, sweet voice

She has a little play Dora phone and whenever she uses it, she always calls Dora and says
"Hello, Dora the Explorer..."
She knows that Matt goes to New Jersey for business sometimes, and often when you ask her where daddy is she says he's in New Jersey doing exercises-who knows where she got that one!

If she hurts herself now she says she needs to go to the doctor

I was rubbing her back the other day and stopped 3 times and everytime I stopped, she would say keep rubbing mommy!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

What a wild weekend we had this weekend! On Friday, I headed over to Christine's school to get a haircut and 3 hours later (she's still learning!) I left with a great haircut and eyebrow wax. This was also the first time since Luke came home from the hospital, that I was away from both kids at the same time. It was nice to be able to get away for a little bit and have a little pampering. That night, we left the kiddies at home with Aunt Jen and headed to Tanglewood for Jen and Ward's rehearsal dinner.
On Saturday, I got to meet Kari's sweet baby boy Brandtson who is so sweet and not that much smaller than Luke. They are going to have lots of fun playing together when they get bigger! Saturday night we put on our dancin shoes and went to the beautiful wedding and we had a great time! They served up some good ol' southern foods-complete with BBQ and corn bread.
Sunday morning, Matt woke up to a Bojangles chicken biscuit and sweet tea. I surprised him with some pictures of Emma and Luke.  Let me tell you-those pictures were not easy to do! First of all, I used my dad's fancy camera that used film(!!) and I forgot what it was like not being able to see the pictures first and decide if you have a good one or not. That is very nerve wracking when you are trying to take pictures of a not very still 2-year-old. I used film that was in the camera case and the pictures came out VERY grainy and I thought maybe the camera was dirty or something, turns out the film was about 5 years old. I tried to adjust the sharpness and was able to make them better; but I needed to take more to make larger sizes. Emma was less than thrilled about going for round two. In the end, I was very happy with the final product. Although, I don't think I will be buying a camera that needs film anytime soon! Emma made a homemade card and said "Happy Father's Day Daddy" about 50 times through out the day. :o) We had a pretty lazy afternoon and ended the day with a nice dinner at Putter's.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Time to burn some rubber!

Nana and Pop Pop had quite the surprise for Elle and Emma (and the parents too!) today. We were told to meet at Wal-Mart at 5 o'clock and the girls needed to be in close toed shoes and clothes that could get dirty. What in the world could be going on? I had NO idea and Matt thought a slip n' slide (HA!) Well, turns out, it was bike time!! The girls got to pick out whatever bike they wanted. Emma flocked to a princess bike complete with a seat for her baby dolls. Elle picked out a Barbie bike with a little pink bike on the handle bar Barbie could ride along in. They had so much fun! Emma can't quite push hard enough on the peddles, but had a blast getting pushed-FAST-around in it. Elle was catching on pretty quick and could peddle around until she needed to turn-that skill can come later!

And YES, they do have helmets :o)

 Luke tested out the baby doll seat!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Naked as a jay bird

Emma is really enjoying the kiddie pool in the backyard and I am happy to be working on my tan. She also is enjoying be naked in her pool! I can't seem to get her to put her bathing suit on or even a swim diaper! Guess she doesn't want to get tan lines. She does however keep her little crocs on the whole time!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Big Girl Room!

Emma posing in her newly painted and rearranged room

The pretty tree that took FOREVER for me to decide how I liked it!

Emma with some of her monkeys- Ms Bananas and Zoe

Her "big girl room" has an owl theme

Luke's corner in the guest room-still a work in progress, he will probably have his own room when he turns 2 as well

Sleep anyone?

I hope by writing this, I don't jinx anything; but I think we have a great sleeper on our hands again! The past few nights, Luke has been sleeping from 10:30ish-at least 6:30 to 9ish. It all depends on how he eats right before bed. If he eats 6 ounces (wow!), he can sleep from 11-9ish and it is amazing what a difference a good nights sleep can do. He still sleeps most of the time during the day, but we should start seeing those pretty blue eyes more often soon enough!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer is HERE!

We've been busy busy these past couple of weeks! Emma had a school picnic on May 25th and there were all kinds of fun toys to jump on, bikes to ride and games to play. We had hot dogs, chips and cookies for lunch and Emma loved the cookies, juice and jelly sandwiches. That Friday, we went to a wedding shower for some of our friends and brought the kiddos along. There were three boys around 15 months there and one by one, Emma took them all out with her strong hugs. I'm not really sure how to discipline for hugging too hard! She wasn't trying to be mean and didn't want to hurt them, she just likes to love on little ones and gets a little too excited sometimes. Sunday we headed down to the lake and I was curious as to how Luke would do on the boat. He had to wear a huge life jacket and we would adjust and readjust him so he could breathe with it on and still be safe. He slept the entire time and didn't fuss once. I think the boat and sun wore him out, because he slept eleven hours that night! Memorial day, Emma and I headed to the pool and Matt played golf. Luke stayed home and played with aunt Jen. Emma spent the four hours we were at the pool having tea parties. She could have stayed there all day doing that. Luke's habits haven't changed too much, but he is eating a TON! More than what Emma ate his actual age and his corrected age-he's really eleven weeks, but 3 weeks since due date, so his behavior and progress is tracked based on that. Emma still loves him to death and calls him her baby all the time and I have a feeling she is going to be taking good care of him for a long time.