Friday, June 24, 2011

A few more funny phrases...

I think I've said this before but I really need to carry around a pen and paper in my hands. Emma is always saying something funny and everytime I think I'll remember it later, I don't! A few I remember

Me: Emma do you want some bread?
Emma: No thank you, I'm good

Whenever I do something she likes when we are playing she says "Good girl Mommy"

Yesterday she was in her car and telling me she would be back next Thursday and made a hand motion identical to one I use all the time (and not it's not the finger-ha!)

When Luke is crying and she can reach him, she rubs his head and says "It's ok baby Luke, it's ok" in a soft, sweet voice

She has a little play Dora phone and whenever she uses it, she always calls Dora and says
"Hello, Dora the Explorer..."
She knows that Matt goes to New Jersey for business sometimes, and often when you ask her where daddy is she says he's in New Jersey doing exercises-who knows where she got that one!

If she hurts herself now she says she needs to go to the doctor

I was rubbing her back the other day and stopped 3 times and everytime I stopped, she would say keep rubbing mommy!

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