Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Emma Talk

It's time for one of my favorite posts! The silly things that Ms Emma has been saying around here....

We were leaving the mall and I was pushing Luke in the stroller and she was walking beside me and she said "Mommy I hold you" (that's what she's always said when she wants to be held) I picked her up and she sighed and  said "Cuz I've had a hard day!" I literally had to stop walking because I was laughing so hard

I put my hair up in a clip to get it out of the way while I was giving her a bath and later she noticed it and said "Mommy, I no like your hair, go to the bathroom and fix it"

Luke said Mama on Monday and when I told her she said, "I can say Mama-Mama!!" And then she tried to get him to say Dada

Every time someone mentions the mall now, Emma immediately starts saying she wants a rainbow cookie and to ride the horsies

The first time Emma went to Lunch Bunch she didn't eat anything but goldfish. I told her she couldn't Lunch Bunch again if she didn't eat all of her sandwich. She said "O.K. Mommy, I'll do my best!" I found out a week or so later that she was sitting at the table eating and told Elle that she had to try and eat most of her sandwich.

We've already started talking about Christmas and now when she sees a toy she wants, she says "I want this for Christmas! Have to tell Santa"

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