Wednesday, October 12, 2011

FAIRy Tales!

This one may be a little long-lots of the pictures at the bottom to make up for it!! :o) We have started a family tradition, when Emma was born, for the fair. In that Matt, Katelyn, Roger, Emma, now Luke, and I all go one night. The tradition lives on again! The first Saturday of the Fair, we headed out with Blair around 3 and we were all hungry! I grabbed a polish sausage and Emma started fussing for some ice cream. We went on a mission to find some ice cream, and I thought she might enjoy the home spun ice cream by the John Deere machine. She had two bites and was done-she didn't like the kettle corn popcorn or cotton candy I picked up either. Ohh well-off to find something else she may enjoy. We walked around for a little bit and then came upon the kiddie rides. We were all anxious and excited to see how she would do on the rides. The first one she went on was a lady bug that went around in a circle and slowly goes up and down. We were all cheering for her as she went around and she was loving it--until it went up in the air. She started getting uneasy and making faces and by the time it went back down, she was screaming in tears. Matt had to go rescue her before the ride ended and we were afraid she wouldn't ride anything else. We found a slooow moving train and I ended up riding it with her and she loved it!! She wanted to ride it again and again-no thank you! Katelyn rode a fast moving carousel with her and she was having a great time on there too! She soon started getting cranky and tired and did not want anything to do with any other rides; no matter how hard we tired. We started talking about the goats that you can feed carrots and she got so excited!! She wanted to go feed those animals-and she had so much fun watching them and talking to them. I ended up feeding them most of the carrots, but she still had a blast. After the animals, we ventured into the annex to get some ice cold milk and walk around a little bit. By this point, Emma had eaten almost nothing and all of a sudden started asking for a donut.We couldn't find any donuts, but we did find some M&M fudge that she loooved!! By the time we made our way out of the Annex it was getting really cold and we decided we needed to call it a night. Not before Katelyn grabbed a chocolate/vanilla swirl cone, though. Emma saw that ice cream cone and her eyes doubled in size! She took to that cone like it was the only thing she had eaten in weeks. Guess she likes the cone better than the cup :o)
That Tuesday, Cindy and Taylor wanted to take Emma and Marley to the fair and Emma was more excited about seeing them than going to the fair. She couldn't wait for them to arrive and soon off they were! Emma had about the same experience with food this time too. Not too interested in eating much of anything, but she was looking forward to seeing those goats again! They all seemed to have a really great time and plan on doing it again next year.
On the last day of the Fair, we went with Nana, Pop Pop, Elle, Brodie, Katherine, and Daniel. After all going to church, we headed to our house to change and the girls were more than ready to get to the Fair. They both managed to eat chicken nuggets and chips and Emma could not stop talking about riding the pink dragon that she was too afraid of last time. We were hoping having Elle with her would make her more interested in rides. Our first stop was a different train ride. We were waiting in line and were told we could get on the next ride. When it stopped and everyone got off, the worker said he would be right back. We waited and waited and waited and finally learned that he left to quit! So much for that ride-Matt and Emma did end up riding it later. After what seemed like FOREVER (and only ice cream and a 5 dollar useless toy for Emma) we headed to another part of the fair to find Emma's pink dragon. We finally arrive and Elle does NOT want to ride pink, she wants blue. I knew there was NO WAY that Emma would get out of that pink dragon, so we said she could ride that one next-Elle was less than thrilled with that idea. Emma was loving the dragon and having a great time until Elle burst into tears because she wanted the blue dragon. That started the water works for Emma and they spent the rest of the ride crying...geeeze!! Elle rode the blue dragon and Emma stood in line for a caterpillar ride with Katherine, but didn't end up riding it. We were walking around a little more and somehow we ended up back at the first train that I had to ride with Emma last week. She was happy to ride on that and when we got off, there were the ladybugs that Emma hated before, and she really wanted to ride them. So we gave it another shot. Good thing we did-because she LOVED it!! So much that she rode it again! And then after that it clicked that "Hey, riding rides is FUN!" She rode everything in sight until we ran out of tickets. The last one that she rode was with Katherine and Elle. She spotted these large dragons that spun around in circles and they were all ready to ride. There were three dragons to choose from and somehow Katherine put them in the dragon that had six little boys. Not the one with the nice family of four, but six wild 5/6 year olds! The ride hadn't even started yet and their dragon was flying in circles-round and round! Elle was happy to get off, but Emma was ready for more. We left around 6, and everyone seemed ready for a nap or bed! Next year we are going to have to double or triple the amount of ride tickets we got this year for sure!

 Luke and Aunt Kiki-it was cold out!!

 Emma's first train ride

 Carousel time

 Love Emma's face!!

 Time to feed some goats

 Luke talking to Papa

 Cheeese for Daddy!!

 Time to go home with Dora

 Elle riding the dump truck

 Love the glasses Emma!

 Chug-a-Chug-a Choo-Choo!!

 Let's go fishin

 THE pink dino-before the tears

 The girls eating ice cream

 Taking a stroll with Daddy

 Two happy girls-Emma had to copy Elle

 The infamous ladybug!

 Riding the car with Aunt KayKay!

 Now it's Elle's turn!

Katherine's face says it all!!

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