Friday, October 7, 2011

Fall is coming!

I can't believe its been a week since I've blogged-things have just stayed busy around here! Hopefully I won't forget everything. Friday evening we headed up to King to visit with Katelyn who just moved home (YAE!!) and of course had to pick up something from the Dairio! Emma was so excited to see Kiki, Nana and Papa-she immediately asked where the little table was for her tea party. Kate and Nana sat with her for almost an hour while Emma ate, played, ate and played some more. We were all just talking and hanging out and before we knew it-it was 11:00! Time to get these tired babies to bed-we had the Fair the next day!! Emma woke up Saturday morning ready for the Fair. I had to keep delaying her because it was going to be awhile before the Fair-brother was asleep, then he woke up and "time to go"; Daddy was running, came home and "time to go", brother asleep again and woke up and "time to go"; Kiki, Papa and Blair had to come they got here and FINALLY "time to go!!" More on the fair later though. Sunday we were going to try to head to church in King, but we had to be back at 1:00 for the Redskins game, so we just stayed home. Mom, Rob and Kirby came over a little after 1:00 and we had a ton of food-buffalo chicken dip with chips, crackers and celery, pimento cheese wheels, potatoes, cheetos and mini cupcakes. We were stuffed by the end of the game (Redskins won!). This week has been filled with crafts, school and Lunch Bunch, yummy home cooked dinners and not enough sleep!! Yesterday, Mom and I attempted to take the kids to the Pumpkin Patch so she could have pictures for her frame. Emma did not want to cooperate very much, but we got some GREAT model shots of Elle!! Matt and I are going to try and go back again tomorrow and let Emma pick out some pumpkins to paint and maybe get a few more shots. Last night, Kate, Nana and Papa came over for some red beans and rice and we had cornbread and a very good chocolate cake with Snickers on top. Tonite, the kiddos are going to play at Nonnie and Poppie's, while Matt and I have dinner and go to a Haunted Trail with his boss and a few others. We are going to the Fair again Sunday, so stay tuned to hear all about Emma's adventures at the Fair-inlcuding her going with Mimi, Tay Tay and Marley!

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