Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Fest

Last Thursday we ventured out to Bethabara Park for a Fall Festival. There was supposed to be 25 cent hot dogs and ice cream, spooky music, hay rides and a great time for kids. We were all hungry and ready for some hot dogs and ice cream when we got there. There didn't seem to be a real sense of who was "in charge" of things and not a lot of direction for what to do. We managed to find the ice cream and I asked about the hot dogs and was told there were none. The vendor had a death in the family, so they weren't coming. Uh oh-we had two hungry toddlers and five hungry adults. The ice cream wasn't cutting it. There was a band playing music behind the ice cream and they were playing Journey and God Bless America. Where's the spooky music?! We thought we would see about the hay rides. Turns out there was one tractor and about 50 people waiting to ride. Some how we managed to get in line and waited and waited and waited. While we were waiting there was a ghost story-we crammed into the tiny room and it was HOT! Matt couldn't handle the heat and immediately left-Emma and Elle lasted about 5 minutes and they were ready to leave. So much for that! We got in line for the hay ride around 6:45 and by 8, we still hadn't gotten a ride yet. The girls were having fun running around chasing each other and finally we were probably two rides away from our turn. Then it started raining!! We all knew, right away, we were done. We took of running to the car and managed to get pretty soaked. Dinner ended up being McDonald's and we knew that would be the last Fall Fest at Bethabara!

 Our cute little pumpkin!

 Eating the yummy ice cream

 My two handsome fellas

 Family photo (my face is a little crazy looking-ha!)

 First shoulder ride

No one wants to look!

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