Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's Bowl Time!

Every year, Matt's company has a bowling event for Big Bothers/Big Sisters. We thought it would be fun to bring Emma along and she insisted on having Elle over for a sleepover, so we knew this could get interesting!! All morning long, Emma was pestering me to go pick up Elle and go bowling. I don't think she really understood what bowling was, but she was dying to go! We finally picked up Elle and we were on our way. When we got there, the girls had their own lane and we put the bumpers up. They were both more excited about the shoes than anything. Unfortunately, Emma's foot was too small to fit in them so they looked like clown shoes. Emma went first-of course I missed the shot with my camera! After she finished, she ran over to the seats to put her own shoes on. Elle went next and had a blast flinging the ball down the lane. Emma's turn was up again and before she would bowl, she had to put the other shoes (and socks!) back on. The girls only lasted about three times and then they just ran around screaming and chasing each other. They had a pretty good time despite the lack of bowling!

Like the matching skirts?? :o)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Let it Snow!

This has been a mild and warm winter with no complaints from this gal! Matt, however, loves cold weather and snow-and when I say love, I mean gets just as excited as a school kid who spends the entire day outside playing in it. Friday night, he started hollering about snow coming on Sunday. I just smiled and nodded. Sunday morning, all that was talked about was when it was going to start snowing. It FINALLY started around 3, and by 5 Matt had woken Emma up to show her the snow. The flakes were still small and there was a light dusting on the ground. Matt asked her if she liked the snow and she said "It's not snowing, it's raining, Daddy!!" There was a little "argument" about it and Emma wasn't convinced it was snowing. Matt had to run out for a minute and while he was gone, the flakes started getting bigger and sticking more (total about 3 inches!!). After Emma started seeing all of that, she was finally convinced that it was snowing. She started getting just as excited as Matt and begging to go outside. I had to dig around in the attic for almost 20 minutes to round up snow gear. But, I managed to find it all and get the babies bundled up for the snow. Emma was all over the place and wanted to make snowmen and snowballs. Luke was itching to get down and play in it all, but I couldn't find his snow pants so he just had to watch and taste a little. Matt and Emma stayed outside until Emma's hair was soaked and her face was bright red.
Because it was so warm Saturday, that when we woke up Monday morning most of the snow was melted off the roads. There was still a good amount in our front yard, so Emma was able to play a little more. We dragged out the wagon and took a little stroll in the neighborhood before Matt headed to work.
Emma was destined to be a snow baby from the start-she was born on a snow day and has seen snow every year since.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Emma Talk

I've got a lot of these today!!

It was bedtime and Emma was sleeping in our room. The TV was on and she said Can I just close one eye and keep the other eye open?

We were going to the movies and she said Bella couldn't go because she doesn't have a body, she has a tail.

She randomly turns to me and says I'm sad Mommy, I'm not happy because I want to watch Wonder Pets.

She had her little New Testament Bible in her hand and said With this ring, I thee Wed.

Runs around the house saying Come on cowboy yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaw

Emma got a box of Double Stuffed Oreos for her and Elle to eat. I hear Elle saying I wish there was more icing. I said Elle, they're double stuffed-you can't get more icing than that! She said Emma gave her the top of her cookie!

Won't ever wear pants because they are too "loose" and dresses are for princesses.

Some of Emma's favorite songs are "Drink in my Hand" Eric Church, "Red Solo Cup" (She calls it the party song) Toby Keith and "Family Traditions" Hank Williams

Has her princess wand and points it at people and things and says ZAAAP

Says-What do you say? When she's meaning to ask What did you say?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tinker Bell Party

After all the excitement that Emma's actual birthday brought  her, we knew she would be in for a treat at her party. She woke up ready to rock and roll on Saturday. It was very yucky-wet and cold-outside, but we weren't going to let that spoil the party mood! Since I did a lot of prep work Friday, I didn't have to run around like a crazy person all morning. Although, Matt did get stuck at Party City for 45 minutes! Everyone started arriving around 2 and Emma was SO excited to see everyone! When she saw the presents piling in, she begged and begged to open them. But once she saw the cake-that was all she cared about! We were able to distract her for a little while and she was having a great time with Elle, Marley and a new favorite friends, Cassidy, in her room. Cake time brought everyone running and screaming out of Emma's room and presents kept them out a little longer. Christine gave Emma four pairs of princess shoes-enough for every girl to have a pair- and Emma hasn't taken them off since! She also got a Cinderella dress she insisted on putting on right away. I've never seen so many princess bags and toys than what are now in our house! Papa gave Emma the movie Big and had a special surprise he left in his car-the piano! Emma was so excited when I opened it and put the batteries in-I could hardly snap her picture she was running so fast. And Uncle Taylor made her the cutest rocking chair that I am going to paint pink with a brown E and make a cute cushion for her to sit on. All in all, I'd say we all had a pretty good time!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday, Emma!!

Emma is every bit a girlie girl. She loves, and I mean, LOVES everything princess and pink. Her room is filled with everything pink and when she picks out a toy-its pink, princess or fairies. When it came time to pick out her birthday party stuff, I thought it might be hard for her to decide between Tinker Bell and Disney Princesses. She was saying that she wanted a Tinker Bell party, but when we got to Party City, she fell in love with the Princesses. It took about 10 minutes for her to finally choose Tinker Bell-she was a little confused when we didn't have the party that day, but it eventually sank in.
We told Emma, on her birthday, that she could eat and do whatever she wanted all day because it was her birthday. I knew there would be lots of sugar involved and probably a mall trip. I just didn't realize how much sugar! She told Matt that she wanted pancakes for breakfast, Krispy Kreme for lunch, horsies and ice cream at the mall and McDonald's for dinner. We woke her up on her birthday with chocolate chip and sprinkle pancakes with a 3 made out of icing. She wasn't too interested in waking up until she saw the candle and then she was excited.
Matt left for work after pancakes and Luke woke up for breakfast and they played a little before his first nap. While he napped, she dined on a snack of sour Airheads and Dr Pepper and watched Calliou on my Kindle while I prepped foods for her party.
We met Matt at Krispy Kreme for lunch and she enjoyed a pink and white sprinkle donut with her Krispy Kreme hat. Luke had some donuts too! After lunch, we went to the library,or to everyone else, Barnes and Nobles. She got a free cupcake and picked out a Strawberry Shortcake book. I snuck in a Pinkalicious book (ladies with girls, you need to check those books out!). After about two hours in there, we were ready to head home.
Matt was able to make it home early and Luke was spending the night at Nana and Pop Pop's house. Before dinner, Emma got her first haircut!! She was so good too, she sat still and held her head down. She actually did better than a lot of adult clients I've done in the past. She also got a Face Time call from her cousin Jansen and Aunt Courtney and Uncle Justin. She had fun talking to her for a little bit and asked us later where Jansen got her cold from. The random things kids remember!
After Luke left, Emma decided she wanted Chick Fi-La for dinner. She spent most of the time watching the kids in the play area. We managed to get her to eat one chicken nugget and the she wanted an ice cream cone!
After dinner, we made a pit stop at Target to get her present from us. We came to the decision to buy our three your old an iPod. Trust me, I know how crazy that sounds. But, if you saw the way she maneuvers around and loves our iPhones, you'd understand. There are plenty of games she loves that are geared just for her and the movies she likes to watch are only available on You Tube because they are so short.  So, Matt convinced me this was better than the Leap Frog pad. A few weeks prior, Matt and Emma were at Target and she picked out a white one with a cute pink case.
When we got home, Matt got it all set up and then wrapped it for her. She sat on the couch waiting to open her present and we think she was a little in shock when she saw it. Until she realized that it was all hers, it hadn't fully set it what it was. She literally fell asleep with it on in her hands. Safe to say she loves it!

Just blew out her birthday pancake candle!

Yummy pancakes!!

Mid-morning snack
Lunch at Krispy Kreme

First haircut!

 Mmmm ice cream

  Falling asleep with her iPod