Monday, August 15, 2011

Busy, Busy!

This past week and a half has been a whirlwind of things going on. Matt went out of town to New Mexico for a few days, and Elle came and stayed with us while he was gone. Emma was so happy to have her cousin over and it was not a dull moment at our house! The girls get along really well and play great together. They were running all over the house playing with all the toys and taking rides in Emma's pink car. We went to a cook-out Wednesday night and Thursday we went to the pool with Staten (another fun cousin!) until it started thundering. That night, some of the girls came over and the little girls went to bed. As the "big" girls were leaving, the little ones were crying in Emma's room. Elle wanted her mommy and Emma said there were monsters. After getting some fruit snacks, an episode of Olivia and climbing into our big bed, they were ready to go back to sleep! Elle went home Friday, and neither of them were happy to see the other go-but we had to get ready for our trip to Massachusetts!

 Time for the pool!

 Best Friends!!

 Elle has a crazy face!

 Taking Charlie the Monkey for a ride

Loves her baby

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