Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Twinkle, Twinkle

The other day we got a tent for the beach to put the babies in and Emma was infatuated! She wanted to play in it as soon as she saw it. I tried to put it in the garage and she started crying because she wanted it in her room. I put it in her room and she was so excited. She played for hours in it and ended up sleeping in it that night. She took her nap in it the next day and was planning on sleeping in that night, but she started crying around 10. I went to check on her and she said she was afraid of the monsters, so she ended up in our bed :o) She broke her night light, and ever since has had a tough time going to sleep because of the monsters and tigers (oh my!) Matt and I have already started talking about Christmas-I am more than obsessed with this holiday!-and I thought she might like to get a playhouse tent. Guess I nailed that one on the head! On a side note-we felt the earthquake too. Or I guess I should say, I felt it, because Emma was running around the house like nothing was going on! I, on the other hand, thought I was losing my mind for a minute while I was sitting on the couch feeding Luke and all of a sudden felt the whole couch shaking. I thought something was going on with the foundation of the house-ha!

 Getting ready for story time-notice Matt is focusing hard on what story to read!

 Talking to her baby about something!

 Look at that love!

 He was cracking her up!!
This is a picture of her tent coming from Santa!

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