Saturday, August 20, 2011

Emma Talk

Here are a few more funny phrases from our sweet girl!

She's done this one for a while now-When she wants to be held she says, I want to hold you.

All sports are soccer and she always asks if you want to watch her play and sometimes she throws a ball, sometimes she kicks a ball and sometimes she just runs around!

When she gets scolded, she starts talking about herself in 3rd person and says she's in time out.

She always wants to play hide and seek-she says count to ten mommy and come find me!

She's really started saying thank you a lot. She says thank you for things we get for her. IE- she had a taco for dinner and she told me about 3 times thank you for my taco mommy. She got a new pair of pjs and she said thank you for my new jammies mommy

When she likes something shes eating she'll say mmmm that's delicious!

If she did something she's not supposed to (like color the back of the couch!) she comes to you and starts saying repeatedly hi mommy, hi mommy. Then you get to find out what she did!

When it's time for a diaper change she says my body hurts

For whatever reason she can't say won't, so when you tell her something not to do she says I will instead of I won't

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