Monday, August 15, 2011

Road Trippin'

Early (4:40!) Saturday morning, we started our trek up to visit Ga in Massachusetts. We I opted to drive rather than fly-trying to pack sufficiently for almost a week with two little ones is hard! I would much rather be over packed than under, so I took full advantage of our mini-van rental and loaded it down with everything we might need. Six bags, two packs of diapers, two computers, one pack n play, a huge bag of snacks and tons of new toys later we were ready to roll!! Emma woke up at 3:50 that morning and didn't want to go back to sleep, we were getting ready to leave around 4:15 and Emma was awake the whole time. Once in the car, we figured she would fall back asleep. It was almost 6 before she conked out and she was awake again by 7:45. I found a bunch of little toys at Target to bring out throughout the day to entertain her. By 11:30 she was getting restless and we stopped and got a car adapter that would allow my computer to turn on and she would be able to watch movies and we were all set! She had a new Strawberry Shortcake movie and all the Toy Story movies to keep her happy. We arrived about 5:30 and all in all, I must say, the drive really wasn't that bad and much easier than lugging two babies, two car seats, toys and everything we could possibly need through the airport! I know we would've probably spent over a $100 on bags we checked and I'm not good at being a "light packer"

 Emma making sure one of the bags was big enough

 She loves this chair!

 Playin on the floor

 Ga and her great grandbabies

Luke loves his monkey
 She loves her naked Barbie-she did have a bikini, but once she figured out her clothes could come off, they haven't been on since!


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