Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Sunday afternoon, Emma and I headed to Target to get a few things and of course Emma was wearing the pink shoes that are still too big. After wandering around for awhile, it was time to go home. We started walking and all of a sudden, Emma tripped over her own two feet. Luckily, her face was able to break her fall. Yep-she landed square on her face-more specifically her mouth. As soon as I picked her up, blood was everywhere! All down her face all over her shirt and she was screaming bloody murder. My whole body broke out into a sweat as I started trying to think what to do. I left the cart (along with one of those stupid shoes) and as we were rushing through the store I remembered the cafe area they have. I got her some ice and was able to control the bleeding-but her poor lip had already tripled in size. As I was trying to get her to calm down, she repeatedly asked for her other shoe. We went back to the cart and everything was still there. We made it to the check-out and out the door and ran into Mom and Rob. It was so HOT outside, so we went back inside and she picked out a cherry slushie and was not happy with the ice on her lip. I knew Matt would be better at being the tough guy and he took care of business when we got home. She was a tough little girl, watching Dora and dealing with the cold pak. We put her to bed later and then ended up having her sleep with us in our bed so we could make sure everything was ok. The pictures really don't even do justice to just how big her lip got-but you can get the idea

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