Thursday, July 28, 2011

Growin Baby Boy

Well, the time has come! We decided to try and give Luke a little rice cereal last night before his 6 o'clock feeding and he did really well! When we were at the doctor for his 4 month check-up, she told us we could try anytime and see how he does. If he didn't like it, we could wait and try and again in a few weeks. But he was taking it all in with no trouble. I thought I would try again before his 10 o'clock feeding too. I accidentally put in twice as much as I did the first bowl and he ate a few bites, but wanted his bottle. After his bottle, he still seemed interested in eating, so I decided to offer more and he finished it off. I have a feeling he will be eating baby food in no time!

Emma is quite the little monkey these days, every time I turn around she's climbing up on something! Her new favorite thing to climb on is the desk in the kitchen

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