Thursday, September 8, 2011

Library Day!

Yesterday, I thought, was story time at the library. Story time was at 10:30 and we were picking up Elle from school for a sleepover at 11:50-perfect timing! I thought it would be fun to take Emma to the library for the first time. We headed out a little after 10:15 because the library is literally 2 minutes from our house. I wanted to get there a little early so we could get settled when we got there. As we pulled up, I noticed a lack of cars in the parking lot. The library is not the biggest library, but I would've expected a little more cars in the lot. Oh well! We got Luke in the stroller and off we went. We were in the lobby and I noticed a table with fliers for different upcoming events. I decided to take a look before going in, and that's where I learned the bad news. Story time doesn't start until October 5-that would explain the lack of cars!! We were already there, so I figured we would still go in and let Emma pick out some books. Let me tell you, she made herself right at home! If you know anything about Emma, you know her obsession with shoes, and always having them on. After about 5 minutes in the library, I noticed that she had deserted her flip flops and was wandering the kids section and picking out all kinds of books. She made it to the table with a book in one hand  and her milk in the other-she was right at home. We checked out a Franklin and Curious George book and read them both as soon as we got home. I guess we will be making more trips to the library.

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