Monday, September 12, 2011

What a Weekend

This weekend proved that things can change in a matter of minutes (no pictures on this post-sorry!). Friday was a busy busy day for us-fabric store, story time at Barnes and Nobles, grocery store, Micheal's, Target and movies...whew! That makes me tired just thinking about it all! We loaded up around 9:30 to get to the fabric store to get the goodies I needed to make a skirt for Emma that Kari was going to help me with on Saturday. According to my online source, B&N story time started at 11:00. We arrived about 10:45 so I could get a coffee and Emma could get a snack. Emma started to get grouchy and I thought a sweet treat would cheer her up for sure. Turns out the story time was at 10! Twice in one week I goofed that up-oh well. Emma was not interested in a snack, so we headed over to the kids area to pick out a book for her and Luke. She fell in love with a My Little Pony book. We then headed out to Micheal's to get supplies for my paint job. Emma was NOT happy-she repeated over and over "I want to go home"-I really wanted to get this table finished. I figured she would calm down when I let her pick out something to paint. I ended up carrying her the whole time with her head on my shoulder. I did manage to get a great product I was looking for (more on that later) and decided that we needed to get home. I hadn't even backed out of the parking spot and she was sound asleep. She slept from 12-4 and woke up some what in a good mood. We ran to Wal-Mart to get spray paint-BAD idea! Emma was fussing the whole time, so I had to carry her. The cart would not go straight, I could not find white spray paint anywhere and then our bag broke-aaahhhh. Once we arrived home, I got her out of the car and she didn't want me to put her down and only wanted me sitting down holding her. She felt really warm so I took her temperature and low and behold, 103 fever! That would explain the wacky behavior. I knew right then, that our weekend was quickly changing. No more movie, no more projects and probably no beach for Matt. This would be our first experience with a sick baby and a healthy baby and I knew I would need help to keep Luke from getting sick. Emma spent the whole night on the couch watching movies and us trying to get her to drink a lot of fluids. She slept in our room and still had a fever on Saturday-so back to the couch she was. Yesterday, she was still warm, so she had to continue her time on the couch. I know she was feeling better, but with her being a little warm I wanted to make sure she took it easy a little longer. Despite all of this, I was able to get two super cute skirts made and started a few more projects. Hopefully by game day, I will have everything made and pictures to share!

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