Friday, September 16, 2011

Six Months

This has been quite the week, that is for sure! Emma has been under the weather since last Friday and it is finally almost all out of her system. She woke up Tuesday sounding awful and complaining of a sore throat-no school for her! I had an appointment for Luke's six month check-up on Thursday and I was able to get it switched to Tuesday and got her an appointment as well. She had a very red throat and a slight fever still. The doctor thought she would be good by Wednesday or Thursday. She didn't make it to school Thursday, but should be able to go back Tuesday.
I can't believe that Luke is already six months old! Time has gone even faster with him than Emma. I have to say that things are completely different between having your first and having your second. I know that every time Emma even made a strange look, we called the doctor to make sure everything was fine. Now we just go with the flow and know if something's serious or not (nothing yet, thankfully!!). Luke's temperament is almost the exact same as Emma's was. He is a very happy baby and a great sleeper at night. He wakes up laughing and smiling-even if he's covered in pee (one thing that rarely happened with Emma but seems to be common in boys!). He's also having a few nap issues just like Emma did. Sometimes it is still hard to gauge exactly where his development should be since he's tracking as a four month old and I can't always remember when Emma did certain things. I do know that his arms and legs are a lot stronger than her's ever were. He pushes himself up all the time and loves having his legs locked straight. We are very blessed to have such laid back babies; even when he was given four shots he did great. He didn't start crying until the third shot and was done as soon as I picked him up. He weighed in at 13 pounds 10 ounces and is 26.5 inches long. He is still on track for a typical 6 month old-in the 1% for weight and 19% for height. There is still only a 10 pound difference between Emma and Luke (ha!) and I know it won't take long after he starts eating real food that he is passing her in weight.
I was finally able to get a couple of pictures of my sewing projects-ignore Emma's "model faces", she was not in the mood for pictures!

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